"Enabling children to have the means to achieve anything"

"Healthy as a child should be"

"Aiming for the healthy growth of all children"

[Definition of International Nursery School]
A childcare facility that mainly implements an English education program aimed at fostering global human resources through English, which is the lingua franca of the international language, in an international environment where children of all nationalities and ethnicities are present.

Little Garden Group


The Little Garden Group is working to expand our nursery schools and welfare facilities where children, who will lead the future, can learn in an environment that will give them successful growth for their bodies and minds. We plan to continue developing our business with the aim of helping to make our children, parents, and all our working staff happy.

Our Childcare Business

Little Garden Co., Ltd.'s nursery school is Little Garden International School, a bilingual nursery school with the functions of a nursery school and a kindergarten.
Aiming to realize a community where children can live their lives in their own way, "Designated Disabled Children's Day Care Office: Doumu" aims to realize such a community.
With the motto of "Be healthy like a child," we operate a "Licensed Nursery School Domu Garden" that carefully develops children's individuality and strengths.

The Little Garden Group participates in the "Energizing Japan from Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Project."
日本中小企業大賞2023 事業プランニング部門のノミネート賞
株式会社リトルガーデンは、日本中小企業大賞2023 にて、事業プランニング部門のノミネート賞を受賞いたしました。