Little Garden Inc.Vision
-To give children wings to fly-
To realize a society where children talk about a bright future and adults smile.
To create an environment where all the children involved can feel happiness every day, envision a bright future for themselves, and talk about it to those around them.
In addition, in order to create an environment where children can spread their wings to the world in a bright future, we will develop a business to realize such a society where parents and adults in the local community, including all staff, can be supported with a smile.

Little Garden Inc.Mission
- To achieve our vision -
Little Garden Co., Ltd. will focus on the education business for the future and create a better future together with the children. Also, right now, we will find ways to support Japan’s biggest problem, the declining birthrate and aging population, through welfare projects.

Company-wide code of conduct
We adhere to standards of conduct and judgment to achieve this vision and mission.
A promise to children
- 君たちの心身の安全を何よりも大切にします。
- 愛情と敬意をもって、全力で支え、力になります。
- 君たちが将来、明るい未来で活躍できるような社会を実現するために今の大人達が全力で戦います。
- We value your physical and mental safety above all else.
- With affection and respect, we will do our best to support and become a source of strength.
- In order to realize a society where you can play an active role in the future, the adults of today will fight with all their might.
Point the vector at the opponent.
At first, you may want to be useful "for someone", but before you know it, the vector is "for yourself". In such a case, try to think from the other person's point of view.

Interact with people with a sense of humor and a smile
In order to create an environment where everyone can enjoy their work and smile while interacting with various people, it is important to make use of the humor and smile that is within you at work.

A culture that tolerates challenges
First of all, try it without thinking about it, and by repeating trial and error, you will see new things, which will eventually lead to great success.

Talk openly, respect each other, and raise each other with enthusiasm.
In order to build trusting relationships, we respect the members of our organization, facility and team, and aim high by talking openly and with enthusiasm to achieve our vision.

In order for each and every one of us to remain professional.
We are involved in the future of children, and we will do our best as professionals. We are not the main actors, but we think about what is important to the children, their parents and their families, and the local community.

Change is hope
We are not afraid to change, we do not accept the status quo, and we always hope for and implement change to create a better future.